Process Improvement and SOPs

You’ve already got procedures, standard ways to meet everyday challenges. But are they working for you as well as they should, or does it feel like you’re wasting too much time?

Unfortunately it’s very common for these procedures to let your business down, in ways that are easy to miss when everyone is busy focussed on other things. Unnoticed errors can become embedded in your practices, leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities you may never even know about.

This is especially important at the early stages of growth: transitioning from a small team of people wearing a lot of hats, to bringing on more specialized roles, is the time when these problems tend to reveal themselves (the absolute worst time for this to happen!)

These problems can include: relying on outdated and inappropriate technology, losing access to important files or services, leaving so many rules unwritten that people cannot keep up, or making poor decisions that lock you into platforms or databases that don’t do what you need them to do.

I can help you stay on top of this by: 


flowchart kerismaker flaticon